1) Stylish clothes in dark or neutral colors that can be worn in layers. Europeans tend to wear what Americans think of as “business casual” as their everyday attire. You’ll also want to make sure that whatever you pick out is seasonally appropriate. France tends to be warm in the summer, chilly in the winter, and somewhere in between the rest of the year so plan accordingly.
2) Scarves are always a good option, particularly those that are big enough to double as a lightweight blanket. You’ll want to take along one or two.
3) If you’re going to beach or the pool at any point, don’t forget your swimwear.
4) Having a sweater and a long pair of pants on hand is recommended, even in the summer. This will keep you from being cold if the temperature dips unexpectedly or you end up in an overly air conditioned spot.
5) Travelers who are planning on going to fancy places may want to take along a few nicer outfits, matching accessories/jewelry, and possibly makeup for these occasions.