Browsing museums – Mexico City has an incredible assortment of museums and art galleries, many of which are equally as impressive on the outside as they are on the inside. Whether you’re browsing the collection at the National Museum of Anthropology or visiting Frida Kahlo’s Casa Azul, you’ll want to be sure to wear comfortable shoes. Long hours spent standing on tile or concrete floors are punishing on your body. Also, many museums require you to check your bag if it’s larger than a medium purse; keep this in mind when planning your visit, as the queues to check and later collect your belongings can be lengthy. A small crossbody purse is always an ideal option for women.
Exploring Teotihuacán – Teotihuacán is a world-famous archaeological site just outside of Mexico City, and a must-visit for history enthusiasts. The ruin sits on an arid plain, and shade is virtually nonexistent. Wear lightweight clothes that are comfortable for walking and scaling pyramids. Plan to carry a daypack with plenty of extra water and sunscreen; even the most sun-tolerant individuals will be overexposed. A sunhat and sunglasses are essential as well.
Dining Out – Mexico City is home to some of the country’s best restaurants, many of which will have a dress code. For women, an evening dress paired with booties or heels, and a light jacket will keep you looking stylish and warm, while men should plan to wear a jacket and button shirt.
Visiting Cathedrals – There is evidence of the Spanish conquest, in the form of incredible and ornate cathedrals, on almost every street corner in Mexico City. There’s no doubt that you’ll want to visit some of these impressive works of architecture. When you do, keep in mind, that the majority of these sites are functioning places of worship. Dress conservatively; covered shoulders are ideal, and mind those hemlines! Also be sure to turn off the flash on your camera and speak quietly so as not to disturb the worshippers.
Attending A Football or Lucha Libre Match – These exciting sporting events call for team colors, and spill resistant clothing. Even if you fail to spill a cerveza all over yourself, one of your neighbors is bound to do it for you. In the event that you don’t already own a Pumas jersey, pick one up at the stadium! Or just wear comfortable, casual clothing. Jeans a tee shirt are just fine, and bring a fleece jacket or sweater in case it gets cool when the sun goes down.